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What is Discord? 3 Major Benefits for Content Creators You Should Know

Posted at:04/07/2024


What is Discord?

Discord is a social application that runs on various systems with full functionality. Thousands of gamers connect with each other, share content, and play games on Discord every day. When your friends, gaming communities, or developers invite you to "join our Discord," they're not asking you to cause trouble or revolt; they're inviting you to join this platform to enjoy social interaction and gaming together. Discord features text chat, voice calls, server organization, content sharing, making it an ideal platform for communication and interaction among gaming communities and other groups.

Benefits of Discord for Content Creators

1. Community Building

Creators can establish their own community on Discord to interact with fans, share content, and build closer relationships. For example, a gaming streamer can create an exclusive community on Discord and invite fans to join. In this community, the streamer can host regular game streams, share gaming tips and experiences, and interact with fans. The streamer can also set up different channels for game discussions, exclusive content sharing, casual chatting, etc., allowing fans to join based on their interests. Through this approach, streamers can establish closer relationships with fans, increase fan loyalty, and better understand their needs and feedback to create content.

2. Interactive Communication

Through Discord's voice, text chat, and video functions, creators can interact more directly with fans, answer questions, share information, and increase engagement and loyalty. For example, a YouTuber providing educational content can create an exclusive community on Discord for interacting with viewers. In this community, viewers can ask questions through text chat, and the creator can answer them in real-time. The creator can also host regular voice or video streams to interact more directly with viewers, sharing knowledge and information. This type of interactive communication can increase viewer participation and loyalty, making them more willing to support the creator's content. It also provides an opportunity for creators to better understand viewer needs and feedback, helping to improve the quality of their content.

3. Exclusive Events

Creators can host exclusive events on Discord, such as Q&A sessions, gaming competitions, exclusive information sharing, etc., providing fans with unique experiences. For example, a music producer can host an exclusive Q&A event on Discord. In this event, fans can ask questions, and the music producer will answer them in real-time, sharing insights and techniques in music production. Such events allow fans to learn more about the music producer's work and creative process, increasing their engagement and loyalty. Additionally, the music producer can host an exclusive information sharing event, where they share unreleased music or behind-the-scenes content, giving fans a unique experience. Through these exclusive events, music producers can build closer relationships with fans and provide them with unique value and experiences.

Further Reading: How to Integrate Discord Server with Rakosell (Premium Feature)

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