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2024 Best Choice for Educators: RakoSell Solves Payment Challenges of Teachable and Thinkific


Posted at:09/16/2021


In recent years, people of all ages worldwide are increasingly embracing online learning. Platforms like Udemy, SkillShare, Hahow好學校, and OTTA have emerged, offering diverse online courses. While hosted platforms like Udemy and Hahow好學校 attract novice instructors through revenue sharing, more established educators find self-hosting ideal for full brand control and enjoying total earnings.

However, self-hosting comes with challenges related to payment processing and language barriers. Traditional foreign platforms like Teachable and Thinkific offer comprehensive features but pose challenges for Taiwanese educators in terms of payment processing and interface language.

  1. Payment Processing Challenges: The payment flow from the customer's credit card to the tutor's bank account poses challenges. Foreign tools often settle transactions in USD centrally and then transfer funds to Taiwanese tutors via PayPal, incurring higher fees. For example, Teachable involves multiple fees, resulting in at least a 5.4% cost for a $100 order.

  2. Interface Language Issues: The backend interfaces of these foreign tools predominantly use English. Functions such as course design and payment management are in English, making it complex for Taiwanese educators. Lack of translation may inconvenience Taiwanese users navigating the website.

Solution: For those seeking a simple, cost-effective solution for online course creation, RakoSell is an ideal tool. RakoSell is a platform in the Chinese region that facilitates creators in building their websites to sell knowledge. It allows instructors to sell membership content like Patreon or offer items like PDF notes or tutorial videos. With added functionality for designing and selling courses, monitoring student progress, and assigning/uploading homework, RakoSell addresses payment and language issues.

Credit Card Payment Arrangements:

A) Using a Personal Taiwanese Payment Account:

  • Local users' credit card transaction fees (using a personal EC Pay account): Local 2.75%, Overseas 3.5%
  • Withdraw anytime and transfer directly to a local bank in Taiwan without going through RakoSell or any intermediaries.

B) Using Stripe Provided by RakoSell:

  • Credit card transaction fee using RakoSell's provided Stripe: 5.4% + NT$8.5 per transaction
  • Withdrawals can be initiated using the platform's interface, and RakoSell, upon receiving the withdrawal request, processes local transfers with a fee of 1.1%.
  • Bank account information for receiving payments can be updated in the backend.

For Taiwanese online educators, RakoSell is a revolutionary platform offering a seamless, efficient, and cost-friendly solution. Try RakoSell for free to experience its convenience and value without the burden of monthly fees. 

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